Tree sap can harm the windshield wipers and distort the paint on your automobile, making it just as bad for the paint job and windows as insect droppings or bird droppings. The sap adheres to the automobile paint more quickly in the presence of heat. For this reason, it's usually recommended to get rid of tree sap from cars as soon as you discover it. Regularly checking your automobile for tree sap and cleaning it as soon as you see it is an efficient method to stay on top of things.
Why Is Tree Sap So Sticky?
Tree sap carries energy to branches and leaves, keeping oaks, birches, and pines alive. It consists of two main substances: xylem and phloem. Xylem transports water, minerals, and hormones from the tree's roots to the top, while phloem is a sticky substance that provides nutrients during growth. It's crucial to clean tree sap off your car as it hardens over time, making it harder to remove without damaging the exterior. Car owners often find it unsightly and can cause damage to their paint job if not removed promptly. However, removing tree sap doesn't have to be difficult.
4 Steps to Remove Tree Sap From the Car
1. Wash Your Car
Getting sap on your car can be a great excuse to clean it. Use a sponge, soap, and water for a thorough cleaning, preventing scratches and damage to the exterior. This action alone may be enough to wash away the sap.
2. Soak the Sap
Rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, can be used to remove sap from various surfaces, including shoes and clothing. However, it should not be applied near tires, as tire shine gel is a superior option due to its less abrasive nature and ability to improve tire gloss. To remove sap, dab a microfiber towel with a few drops of rubbing alcohol and wait at least thirty seconds.
3. Rub It In
Rub the area gently until the sap disappears, repeating step two a few times to let it soak up the rubbing alcohol. Use rubbing alcohol sparingly and elbow grease for better results than adding more. Before adding more alcohol, soak and clean with the existing amount. If the sap needs more goo, lightly scratch it with your fingertip, being cautious not to scratch the paint. This step should be repeated if the sap has solidified on the surface.
4. Protect With Wax
The paint of your automobile, which is now exposed to sap removal chemicals, may be protected from future scratches by car wax, which can also help remove small swirl marks. You'll get that power with the Glosser®, a non-woven, 3-layer microfiber cloth! With only one stroke, The Glosser® removes light surface impurities and waxes, thanks to its two exterior layers of cleansers and one inside layer of wax.
To remove sap from windshields or windows, use a razor blade to carefully scrape off caked sap. Avoid applying it to the rest of your car as it can damage the paint job. To prevent streaks and maintain glass appearance, use a glass cleaner instead of soap and water to wipe the windshields.
You take your car care seriously, and so do we. That’s why CleanTools offers everything you need to keep your vehicle washed, clean, and detailed. You’ll be ready when the sap strikes.